What we’ve made

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust triennial report 2009–11


Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, 2012



The Project

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) is a Quaker trust which seeks to transform the world by supporting people who address the root causes of conflict and injustice. This support is provided, primarily, through funding applied for by applicants. Founded in 1904 with an endowment by York industrialist Joseph Rowntree, JRCT until recently produced triennial reports that detailed their work in carefully targeted areas of work – Racial Justice, Power and Responsibility, Ireland etc.

dg3 was invited to produce the report covering the years 2009-11 and working in close liaison with the trust staff, developed the report theme of ‘light in darkness’, emphasising the Quaker approach of spreading light in an increasingly troubled and unjust world.

Working with writer Dick Downing and photographer Paula Solloway, the 60 page report aimed at a restrained but creative approach in keeping with the JRCT ethos. Additional photography was sourced from library stock.



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