What we’ve made

Permaculture Works


Permaculture Association, 2014




The Project

Permaculture Works is the quarterly newsletter of the Permaculture Association. This brilliant organisation supports people dedicated to a sustainable future, through research and education that promotes the principles, values and ethics of permaculture.

dg3 has been providing much of the Association’s recent design collateral. In early 2014 there was a move from the former black and white A4 magazine to a tighter full colour A5 format that includes a pull out A3 poster. dg3 undertook the redesign: the challenge was to keep some sense of continuity with the previous design whilst creating a new friendlier and more up-to-date feel. The limited space called for a simple layout that maximises the written content and which in turn requires tighter copywriting from the clients. The new ‘look’ of the magazine, with a shift to more modern typefaces, has begun to cascade across other printed and online materials for the Association.


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